Pennsylvania Child Support — Modifying Child Support Orders
Helping you make informed, intelligent decisions about your child support.
Your initial Philadelphia child support order is not set in stone. If a significant change in circumstances makes your order unreasonable, you can bring a motion to modify child support to the court that issued the original order.
At the Law Office of Douglas Earl LLC, we bring more than 30 years of experience to every case we handle. You will find our Philadelphia child support modification attorney, Douglas P. Earl, in family court nearly every day of the week. If you would like to modify your Pennsylvania child support order or you need help contesting child support modification, trust your case to us. Contact our law firm by calling (215) 627-5970.
July 19, 2023: M.A.G. vs. K.D.M., In Support – Douglas P. Earl, Esquire brings K.D.M. to Family Court to clear up a bench warrant. K.D.M. has arrears over $24,000.00 and had his license suspended. K.D.M. had not been paying support for over a year. Court orders bench warrant withdrawn and K.D.M.’s driver’s license reinstated.
Material Change in Circumstance
In order to modify a child support order, the parent requesting the modification must be able to show that there was a material change in circumstances, such as:
- Unplanned loss of income, including job loss
- Substantial increase in the cost of living
- Disability, illness or injury
- Changes in health care expenses and educational expenses
- Changes to child custody and parental visitation arrangements, such as a child’s request to move in with the other parent or changes to a parent’s work schedule.
Determining a New Philadelphia Child Support Obligation: Child Support Guidelines
If the court finds that there was a significant change in circumstances, the next step is to determine the new child support obligation. As with your initial Philadelphia child support order, the court will use the Pennsylvania Child Support Guidelines and child support calculator to determine how much the obligor (the parent who pays child support) will have to pay.
Before we go to court, we will review your situation to determine payment under the guidelines and whether there are any extenuating circumstances that may allow us to deviate from that amount.
When a Parent Doesn’t Pay Court-Ordered Child Support
Has the other parent refused to pay any child support? Are you being accused of failure to pay child support? There are many enforcement actions that a court can take against a parent for failure to pay child support, such as license revocation, wage garnishment and even contempt of court (which can lead to time in jail).
If you have questions about child support enforcement, we can answer them.
We’re Here When You Need Us
We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to help people in Philadelphia and throughout Pennsylvania fight for fair and proper child support orders.
Contact an experienced Philadelphia child support modification attorney today.