Bucks, Chester, Delaware Counties, Philadelphia, throughout Pennsylvania Attorney Defending Against Multiple DUI Arrests
34 years of Experience, Advocacy and Results. Douglas P. Earl, Esquire has represented individuals charged with their 3rd, 4th, and even 5th DUI. There are many strategies to employ as a defense. The first thing to do is to go over the circumstances of the police stop. What reason do the police give for stopping the client? What did the police do once they came to the driver’s side door? Was a field sobriety test done? What does the police report or the Affidavit of Probable cause state? Was a breathalyzer test done or blood drawn? Are the police claiming that the client refused to take a blood or breathalyzer test?
Douglas P. Earl, Esquire may be able to save you from prison even though it may be your 3rd, 4th or 5th DUI. Driving Under the Influence has increasing penalties. There is a mandatory term of minimum imprisonment of one year for a person’s third DUI conviction. Douglas P. Earl, Esquire recently persuaded a Judge NOT to incarcerate a client who was convicted for his third DUI. The Court allowed the client’s time in a recovery house to substitute for prison time. When you are in trouble for a DUI, call the Law Office of Douglas Earl, LLC. Help is on the way!
Douglas P. Earl, Esquire has been defending people arrested for DUI for 34 years. During your free evaluation, he will give you his honest opinion of your specific situation. He is available for emergency consultations 24 hours per day. There have been important changes in laws regarding Driving Under the Influence. Recently there was a United States Supreme Court decision regarding blood and breathalyzer testing. Mr. Earl knows how to challenge violations of your rights.
Douglas P. Earl, Esquire knows how to challenge in court police stops of your vehicle. Police motor vehicle stops take a variety of forms. What if you pulled over to the side of the road to rest and the officer arrests you anyway because even though your car was parked you were behind the wheel resting?
Actual Case: No Jail time for 3rd DUI Conviction
Client arrested for 3rd Driving Under the Influence charge. If convicted of his 3rd DUI then there is a mandatory minimum sentence of one year incarceration. Client is not sentenced to prison. He is given credit for the time he spent in a recovery house!
Tough, Aggressive Representation From a Pennsylvania Felony DWI Charges Lawyer — 24-Hour Emergency Consultations
Pennsylvania divides Driving Under the Influence (DUI) into three tiers based upon the Blood Alcohol Level (BAC). These tiers are officially referred to as “general impairment”, “high rate” and “highest rate”. Most people use the terms middle and high when referring to the two highest terms.
A “general impairment” Driving Under the Influence (DUI) charge is when a driver’s Blood Alcohol Level (BAC) is between .08 and .10, a middle tier Driving Under the Influence (DUI) charge is when the driver’s Blood Alcohol Level (BAC) is between .10 and .159, the highest tier, tier 3 is charged when the Blood Alcohol level (BAC) is over .160.
If a driver refuses to take a chemical test, the Driving Under the Influence (DUI) charge is charged as “general impairment” but carries the same penalties as the highest rate chemical test.
The Law Office of Douglas P. Earl, LLC represents people charged with Driving Under the influence (DUI) in Bucks, Delaware, Chester, Montgomery and Philadelphia and throughout Pennsylvania. He went to State College and represented someone who was in an accident with Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) of .29. The young man would have gone to prison but Douglas P. Earl, Esquire was able to have his time served in a rehabilitation program instead.
The police or a state trooper stops you. What happens? The Police Officer or Pennsylvania State Trooper is right behind you You have pulled over to the side of the road or highway. The officer or trooper pulls over behind you. The overhead lights from the police vehicle are flashing while you wait for the officer to get out of his vehicle and approach you. The officer asks for your license, vehicle registration, and insurance. You comply. Then comes the question “Have you been drinking?” The officer will tell you to get out of your car. Maybe he will ask you to conduct what is called a field sobriety test (walking one foot in front of and touching the front of your back foot, both fingers touching your toes). In Delaware, Chester, Montgomery, Counties and throughout Pennsylvania the Police Officer or State Trooper may ask that he takes you to a hospital for your blood to be drawn and tested. In Philadelphia the officer may place you under arrest and take you to the Police Administration Building where you will be asked to take a breathalyzer test. In Delaware, Chester, Montgomery, Counties and throughout Pennsylvania the Police Officer or State Trooper may in a couple of weeks send you a notice to appear before a District Justice to answer to a Driving Under the Influence charge.
If this is your first offense you may seek admission into the ARD program, which stands for “Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition.” ARD allows defendants to greatly reduce both the direct and collateral consequences for DUI. Those who successfully complete the ARD program avoid jail time, and have much shorter diver’s license suspensions. Most importantly, when a defendant successfully completes the ARD program, his or her attorney can file a motion for dismissal of the charges and expungement of arrest record. Expungement is most important for young people, who are just entering the job market, or adults who are looking for a new job, or planning to switch jobs. In the modern world, most companies perform criminal background checks prior to hiring.
DUI convictions carry mandatory minimum sentences. The mandatory minimum sentence for first offense DUI are as follows: General Impairment: 1) Probation not to exceed six months; 2) $300 fine; 3) DUI classes; 4) drug and alcohol treatment, if ordered by the Court. There is no mandatory jail time or loss of driver’s license for a first offense, general impairment DUI. Middle Tier DUI: 1) 48 hours in jail followed by six months of parole; 2) one year driver’s license suspension; 3) $500 mandatory fine, but the fine could be as much as $5,000 at the discretion of the Court; 4) drug and alcohol treatment when ordered by the Court; 5) DUI classes. The mandatory minimum sentence for a first offense High Tier DUI is 1) 72 hours in jail followed by six months of parole; 2) one year driver’s license suspension; 3) $1,000 mandatory fine, but the fine could be as much as $5,000.
What about your driver’s license. Douglas P. Earl, Esquire knows how to hlp you with license troubles that come with a Driving Under the Influence (DUI) charge.
Is this your second, third, or fourth DUI? Are you concerned about what will happen to your driving privileges, your insurance rates? Worried you will have to do jail time?
At the Law Office of Douglas Earl LLC, we know how to defend people accused of multiple DUIs.
Contact our Philadelphia attorney defending against multiple DUI arrests today. We know the consequences for these charges are severe and we will work hard to protect your rights — and your freedom.
Pennsylvania Felony DWI Charges Lawyer
Penalties depend on the amount of alcohol in your system (blood alcohol level or BAC) and whether it’s your first, second, third or fourth offense. All multiple offenders are required to complete Alcohol Highway Safety School (AHSS) and a Court Reporting Network (CRN) evaluation.
A conviction of multiple DUI charges will have a substantial impact on your life. Punishment for multiple DUI offenses can include up to:
License suspension for 18 months
$10,000 fine
Five year maximum jail sentence
12 months use of interlock device
12 months of CRN evaluations
12 months of drug and alcohol assessment and treatment
Our skilled attorney will work hard to eliminate or reduce your charge in an effort to reduce the punishment.
Repeat Drunk Driving Charges Attorney Serving Bucks, Montgomery, Chester, Delaware Counties, Philadelphia, throughout Pennsylvania.
We know the importance of an aggressive, strong DUI defense. Your future is at stake — we will use our 34 years of experience to build and present a strong defense against these charges.
We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to help people in Philadelphia and throughout Pennsylvania. Contact an experienced Pennsylvania felony DWI charges attorney today.