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Family Law

Philadelphia PA Divorce Attorney

Experience When Experience Counts
The Law Office of Douglas Earl LLC, provides effective family law and divorce representation to people in Berks, Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery Counties, Philadelphia and throughout Pennsylvania.  Dedication, responsiveness, personalized guidance for 35 years during difficult times. We advocate strongly and we have the results that prove our effectiveness.  Douglas P. Earl, Esquire went to Erie County two times to fight for Clients in Custody cases.


A successful case involves knowing what happens in the courtroom and what witnesses, police reports, medical reports, text messages, facebook, or social media are important to your case.


July 30, 2024: K.W. vs. H.W. Custody Case Philadelphia – Mr. Earl fought for the mother K.W. to get her 4 year old child back from North Carolina. The father had partial custody during the Summer. Father had cut off communication and mother felt threatened by him.


New York, New York here they come! 6/14/24 – M.S. vs. R.M., Family Court. Mr. Earl represents Mother. Mother gets great job in Manhattan. Step-Father gets a position as a Theatre Professor in Manhattan. Mother is moving to Manhattan. Parents share physical custody during the week. Mother gives notice of relocation that she wants her daughter to live with her and step-father in Manhattan. Judge grants request in a Temporary Order before the November Relocation Hearing. Father had opposed the child going to be with her mother.


March 25, 2024 the case of B.M. vs. C.M-G. Mr. Earl represented Wife in divorce proceedings. Wife owns a well know restaurant located in South Philadelphia. Divorce proceedings were stagnant before Mr. Earl started representing Wife. There were restrictions placed on Wife’s restaurant due to petitions file by Husband. Mr. Earl immediately filed an Emergency Petition to challenge the restrictions on Wife’s restaurant. The restrictions were lifted. Mr. Earl pressed Husband either for a property hearing or for a resolution. Wife and Husband are getting divorced. What seemed impossible two months ago is now reality.


February 15, 2024: N.S. vs. A.P. – Father wins fight for primary custody! Douglas P. Earl, Esquire represents father in petitioning Family Court to change the custody order. Father has partial physical custody. He wants primary physical custody of his seven year old son. Court grants Father’s petition for primary custody. First there was hearing with judge who ordered therapy for the child and continued the case. Judge grants father primary custody at second hearing with judge after the evidence shows the child was not being treated right at the home of the mother.


October 30, 2023: M.N.W. vs. D.G.M., Protection from Abuse – Douglas P. Earl, Esquire represents D.G.M. against a Protection from Abuse Petition filed by his ex-live in girlfriend M.N.W. Judge dismisses PFA petition. M.N.W. claimed that D.G.M. assaulted and intimidated her. She testified that she was afraid of D.G.M. Douglas P. Earl, Esquire was ready with a strong cross examination and defense. Ex-girlfriend had their six year old daughter testify. Two sisters of D.G.M. testified. One sister testified that she was on the phone with D.G.M. and overheard an argument but no threats or violence. The second sister testified that the six year old child of M.N.W. and D.G.M. went to her house after the argument for dinner and the child was fine.


July 19, 2023: M.A.G. vs. K.D.M., In Support – Douglas P. Earl, Esquire brings K.D.M. to Family Court to clear up a bench warrant. K.D.M. has arrears over $24,000.00 and had his license suspended. K.D.M. had not been paying support for over a year. Court orders bench warrant withdrawn and K.D.M.’s driver’s license reinstated.


June 28, 2023: B.B. vs. G.T., Protection from Abuse – Douglas P. Earl, Esquire represents B.B. in a Petition for Reconsideration of a Protection from Abuse Petition B.B. filed. The Court had dismissed the Protection from Abuse Petition of B.B. when B.B. represented himself. The Court in the Reconsideration with Mr. Earl representing B.B. granted a final Protection from Abuse Order against G.T. The Court was able to see evidence of text messages from G.T. to B.B. B.B. also testified.


June 21, 2023: Douglas P. Earl, Esquire represented L.P. against a finding she was a perpetrator of child abuse by the Children and Youth Division of the Department of Human Services.  The Hearing was before the Bureau of Hearings and Appeals of the Department of Human Services of Pennsylvania.

L.P. wins!

L.P. was accused of Child Abuse because a pill box was containing a pink ecstasy pill was unzippered.  L.P. was with her child.  L.P. was a selecting a television program and did not see the child take the pill out of the pill box during a period of only a minute.  L.P. took immediate action when she noticed what happened.  The child was immediately taken to the hospital. The child showed no signs ecstasy ingestion although there was pink residue on the lips of the child.

The Judge agreed that L.P. did not commit Child Abuse.  The Law Derpartment and DHS vigorously pursued a case of Child Abuse against L.P.  This is where you need protection.  A Finding of Child Abuse can prevent you from working around children.   Mr. Earl has protected people against overzealous social workers.

Douglas P. Earl, Esquire knows how to fight against Children and Youth. Do not be intimidated. Mr. Earl will fight for you. You will be surprised how one decision by a social worker assigned to investigate a claim of child abuse against you may set in motion a whole series of events which start taking away your rights. You will also be surprised that a decision by a social worker or therapist may be biased and not supported by the evidence.


April 17, 2023: Nyesha Glenn vs. Quanza Taylor and Quamair Hunter – Another success story. Douglas P. Earl, Esquire represents Nyesha Glenn. Her three month old baby was in the custody of the father and the paternal grandmother. Judge orders the baby returned to the mother after a contested hearing. Mr. Earl was ready with exhibits including an email from the hospital social worker.


April 10, 2023: MYRIAMGELIZ MORALES-GARCIA vs. ELVIN DONATE DEJESUS, Philadelphia Family Court – Douglas P. Earl, Esquire represents Myriamgeliz Morales-Garcia in an Emergency Custody Petition. Children were taken to Cameron County by Father. Father claims children were abused. Judge grants Emergency Custody and Orders return of children to Mother.


December 5, 2022 – Mr. Earl defends mother against father’s petition for primary physical custody in Montgomery County. Father’s attorney wanted custody evaluation and made allegations against mother. Judge Orders parenting coordinator for parties for their 12 year old daughter. Mother keeps primary custody of child.


November 6, 2020 – Velazquez vs. Jabarin, Philadelphia Family Court Judge grants Mother’s Contempt petition against father. Attorney Earl represents Mother. Father withheld child claiming that it was not safe for child to travel because of corona virus. Mother lives in Florida. Judge grants Attorney Earl’s request that Mother start period of shared custody of four year old child , plus Mother have make up time for missed time with child. Judge also grants Attorney Earl’s request that Mother be reimbursed for the attorney fees she paid Mr. Earl.


October 23, 2020 – Smith vs. Riley, Philadelphia Family Court – Douglas P. Earl, Esquire successfully defends Mother against Petition to Modify Custody Order by Father.  Father claiming that Mother allowed a prohibited party from being with their 8 year old daughter. Custody Order was that boyfriend of Mother could not be in presence of child. Boyfriend of Mother had a conviction for firearm offense. Father produced video of boyfriend of Mother being in the presence of the child. Attorney Earl argued that child should testify. Attorney Earl cross examined Father to bring to the attention of the court that the daughter was a happy child. Firearm offense not enumerated offense in Domestic Relations Custody law. Judge denied request by Father to have primary custody. Court changed Order to permit the live in boyfriend to live with Mother and child. Child testified that she was bonded with boyfriend and the other child of boyfriend. See also google review. Testimony also clear that Mother active in meeting needs of child.


October 1, 2020 – Protection From Abuse petition filed by Mother of client’s children is dismissed after a contested hearing.  Mother claimed that my client the Father told her “He was going to whoop my ass.”  Mother claimed that Father in the past had busted her lip, and pulled her hair.  Mother testified that she was afraid of Father.  Defense successful that Mother was trying to get an advantage in custody court, that there was no police involvement, medical care, and there was no text messages.  V.D. vs. J.M., Case No. 2009V7199.


This Is What We Do
Douglas P. Earl, Esquire is in Family Court two to five days of every week.
With 34 years of experience on your side, you can be certain that we have encountered situations like yours before. We know how to anticipate the challenges that arise in divorce and family law cases. We know how to overcome these challenges, no matter how complex they may seem at first.


There for You From Start to Finish
Providing personal attention is an important part of the service we provide. We listen closely to the stories of the people we represent. When you visit us to discuss your situation, you can be certain that we will listen.  The Custody laws change frequently.  The last major overhaul of the Custody laws in Pennsylvania was 2011.  The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania made it much more important to consider the members of a parent’s household. There are now certain notice requirements regarding relocation even if you have never been to court before.  Modifications or changes in custody orders are important also.  Sometimes a parent has to pursue or defend against contempt petitions.  In Contempt cases it is possible for Mr. Earl to recover your attorney fees for you.


Divorce – Douglas P. Earl, Esquire will help you protect your assets.  How long have you been married?  How will divorce affect your pension?  401K?  You worked hard to get to where you are at.  Is a spouse entitled to Alimony?


Support – How much child support is a primary custodial parent entitled to?  What about day care? Private School?  Extracurricular activities?  What if one or both of the spouses has other children?  What about spousal support?

Of course, we will do more than listen. We will work with you to sort through your issue and help you find a positive solution.
As we move forward, we will remain by your side. You will have one attorney working your case — our lead attorney, Douglas P. Earl. You will not be passed around from one anonymous associate to another. You will get to know exactly who is on your side.


Adoption – the Adoption laws in Pennsylvania seem byzantine and confusing.  Let Douglas P. Esquire take the confusion out of it and help you.  The first part of an adoption is determining if the non-custodial parent’s rights may be terminated.  Sometimes the non-custodial parent will consent. The second step is the adoption.  Some of the happiest days in a child and adoptive parent’s life are the photos taken with the judge after the adoption is approved.  These memories last a lifetime. Douglas P. Earl, Esquire wins adoption case brought by mother and step-father In the Interest of: S.E.E., A Minor, Appeal of: M.S, Mother, and S.S, Step-Father, Superior Court of Pennsylvania No. 1779 EDA 2017, decided January 8, 2018. Court agrees that Family Court Judge abused its discretion when denying the Petition to Involuntary Terminate Parental Rights and allow the step-father to adopt the child.


Child Abuse Appeal – • E.B. In Re: M.L BHA Docket No. 021-18-0933: Children and Youth division of Philadelphia Department of Human Services filed an indicated report of child abuse against Father based upon bruises. Judge grants appeal and orders child abuse record expunged. Judge rules no substantial evidence of impairment or substantial pain.


Protection From Abuse – Douglas P. Earl, Esquire has been representing people in domestic violence cases for 34 years.  Mr. Earl knows how to obtain a Final Protection From Abuse Order and how to defend against one.  A Restraining Order has a profound impact on your life.  It also affects the custody of your children.


September 15, 2022 – K.C. vs. V.G. Douglas P. Earl, Esquire represented K.C. in a Protection from Abuse Petition against V.G. Court heard testimony that K.C. was threatened and placed in fear of harm by V.G. K.C.’s Protection from Abuse Petition is granted after a contested hearing.


October 1, 2020 – Protection From Abuse petition filed by Mother of client’s children is dismissed after a contested hearing.  Mother claimed that my client the Father told her “He was going to whoop my ass.”  Mother claimed that Father in the past had busted her lip, and pulled her hair.  Mother testified that she was afraid of Father.  Defense successful that Mother was trying to get an advantage in custody court, that there was no police involvement, medical care, and there was no text messages.  V.D. vs. J.M., Case No. 2009V7199.


Douglas P. Earl, Esquire defends a father on January 22, 2018 who is accused by his ex-wife of abusing their 15 year old daughter. Mr. Earl prepares the father and his girlfriend for the abuse hearing. He prepares the cross-examination questions of the 15 year old daughter. Father was trying to discipline his daughter over graphic posts on social media and sexting. Case against Father was dismissed after a full hearing.


Get in Touch With Us Any Time
We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Contact an experienced family law and divorce lawyer today.

Our services include:

  • High Net Worth Divorce
  • Property Division
  • Sale of Marital Assets
  • Spousal/Alimony
  • Separation & Annulments
  • What to Expect in Divorce Court

Child Custody 

  • Parental Visitation
  • Custody Complaints & Modifications
  • Emergency & Expedited Child Custody
  • Relocation
  • Grandparents and Third Party Rights

Child Support

  • Child Support Modifications

Prenuptial Agreements
Postnuptial Agreements

Domestic Violence 

  • Protection From Abuse Orders


Termination of Parental Rights/Adoption

Contact Me Now For A Free Consultation

Phone: (215) 627-5970.  Telephone is answered 24 hours a day.  Available all hours when there is an emergency.